Dnl Mike
Hoomidaas . Magician on Duty
Drawing from 25 years of diverse musical exploration, Mike forged his visionary project “Dnl Mike”, in 2019. Immerse yourself in the enchanting allure of Mike's music, where the profound resonance of analog voices intertwines seamlessly with the tapestry of emotions and the hypnotic modulations of synthesizers. An avid fan of modular synthesizers, Mike's studio is a treasure trove featuring iconic instruments such as the 808, 909 Roland, Moog Voyager, Juno-106, and other legendary analog sound pioneers, each leaving its indelible mark on his tracks and capturing his heart. With a childhood steeped in musical versatility, Mike's passion extends across a spectrum of genres, having mastered four instruments—saxophone, piano, guitar, and drums. His mood-board is a kaleidoscope of influences, where blues, jazz, rock, and classical melodies converge to shape the unique. Released his tracks via Hoomidaas, Magician on Duty, Suprematic, Phragamast and more.
Have strong support at big names from industry like Acid Pauli, Richie Hawtin, Dusky, Skream, Blondish and more.

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